Computer Game Fest … Games Games Games in Crowell (what a surprise)
Run by non-officers it went even beter.
Club, what club? We have a club? Budget? Members? Interest?
Mogol Mania in Shawnee.
Double jointed split legs and still sliding and bouncing on butt
OOOhhhhh that musta hurt, He’s STILL GOING!!!,
I thought you were gonna stop, All I saw was a head and
a pair of ski tips bobbing down the hill
I am still having nightmares of that last mogul..6 feet in the air, yelling
for dear life and seeing the horror on the face of the guy below…POW!!!!
All I saw was that school of kids you were heading straight into, bye kids
Rules of skiing: 1. Always ski in control (NOPE)
2. Yeild to other Skiers (assumes #1 is true: NOPE)
3.Keep skis on (assumes skis stay on and #1,2: NOPE) you get the picture?
Spring Break: Go home briefy, escape back to apt, bum around, find old friends
Actually work on indep study, veg out even more, be quite bored.
Rollerblading time, into each class I must go at least once.
Crossbows+Catapults, V, and planning the demise of Roger.
(It Figures)