Origin | ||
‘A | Of | |
Achabe | Spreading | |
Acheyla | An informal “hello” that comes from a longer, formal greeting (see Harani a’kaheyla de’shanuay”). Also, greeting a friend during times of trouble. | |
Adrastai | Scouts — A note on the Adrastai…though technically scouts, I tend to associate them more with knights, viz-a-viz King Arthur, et al, due to their extreme loyalty and dedication to the crown, than I do with any sort of ranger archetype. | |
Aidan | Little flame | |
A’Laena Sar | Until we Meet Again | |
Alardan | A gathering of one or more tribes of otherkin | |
Ali Sanar | I am missing you (connotations of I am missing your light) | |
Allien | Those who are bodily | |
Ama | Blood | |
Amache | Laying low (defeating) | |
Ame | Or | |
Amonta de’ Toya” (A-mon-tah Dee Toy-ah) | Loosly translated: “GOD(DESS) DAMN IT!” As you may have guessed it’s usually not a happy elf who says this. Though most of the “lighter” elves are rather happy, that’s why you’ll usually find the dark and the occational toxic elf expressing themselves in this way. | |
aNAlalai | Danger | |
Anda | Color | |
Aqofeltu | Forgetfulness | |
Aranthi | White, 5 petaled flower that smells like honey | |
Araste Makatar Nih | He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword, bringing oceans of tears in weeping | |
Arianai | You’re wicked π | |
Arias’tama | Bad Ass | |
Ashan’rai | Son of the High King | |
Asha | Spirit | |
Ashtae | The Area Around. Between. In the Area of | |
Astarii | Several races of starborn beings….not from the stars but created of them. | |
Aut, Yanna Senar | Oh my nads (female) are desirous | |
Ave | Now | |
Barith | Seas of Chance | |
Basan (bay-sane) | Sorrow | |
Beliana | Day | |
Besove | Charging | |
Bochara | Victor | |
Ceshar | Informal word meaning goodbye, but implying that we part a friends and will meet again. The Elven equivalent of “See ya later.” | |
Ceshtanen | Erased completely | |
Chairen | A group of individuals working in concert, either through a Draelren or more conventional methods, to heal an individual | |
Chev | Suffix meaning “beloved,” used to refer to lifemates | |
Chura | (Your) female fluids. Very rude: the more decorous term is “nectar” | |
Clarash | A musical instrument like a small harp | |
Daia Dadu Da | Let All Stand Against Shadow (A battle Cry) | |
Dan | South | |
Dan | Proper, traditional | |
Dara/daro | Aunt/uncle | |
Deea Canayen | A yearly calendar | |
Demii | Astral equivalent of a Siamese cat. plural: demiie | |
Den’shrai | Thank you for help. It is connected with Des’tai, and has the connotation of “thank you for helping me on my path”. | |
Der | Soul – (pronounced dear) | |
Derzorvadur | Soul infusion | |
Des’eren (desh-er-en) | Well met, connotation of Des’tai | |
Desh’nerain | Brother | |
Desh’iriai | Sister | |
Desh’ketai | Father | |
Desh’mieve | Mother | |
Desh’miriai | Guardian, bodyguard of a household | |
Des’tai | Honorable/Walking one’s path | |
Deyash nek’tai | Walk with me | |
Dorai | Love/duty to loved ones | |
Doulgen’ra | A Draelren with the intent of traveling to a specific location, or of exploring | |
Drachlande | “Rocky/austere land” – Listarii home | |
Draelond | “Deep Harbor” | |
Draels’tai | A group of individuals entering the spirit realm in concert | |
Draelren | The process of entering the spirit realm as part of a Draels’tai | |
E | The | |
Ea | The All, The Creator (See Iri’A) | |
Easaahae | Peace | |
Echye | Coward | |
Ederoi | Angels | |
Ehiela | Devoted | |
Eisha’miai | Some sort of elven spirit-sickness, not quite sure here | |
Ekahal | Wizard | |
Ekahua | Sorceress and advisor | |
Ekahuei | Wizard and advisor | |
Ekar/a | Master/mistress (implies skill and control) | |
El’ | Used in a name, meaning “of” or “from” | |
Ela | Stars | |
Γ©la | It | |
Elashta-shiri | Heavenly Tribe, the Tuatha de Danaan, ancestors of the Court | |
Ela-Ishtel | Star Palace; the sky, also refers to a cosmological concept linking elves to stars and the “Star Palace” to a homeland or paradise | |
Elen | Although Tolkein translates this as “elf/of the stars”, it is in our tongue “elf and friend”. | |
Elenari | Plural of Elf and Friend. Alternatively, Star Elf (the contraction of eleni (star) and ri (elf). Alternatively, contract elen (star) and ar’i (day) to get Starday. | |
Elia | Soul or Spirit; Can also be a proper name | |
Eliai’iriai | Soul-sister | |
Eliai’nerain | Soul-brother | |
Eluana | Female name | |
Elvaleryn | Physical immortality | |
Embave | Resting (also imperative: rest!) | |
Emme | Four | |
Enai | Endures, withstands | |
Enaerson | “Right there” – sexual connotation | |
Eng | Me | |
Enrai | High King — A literal translation would be “The first one”, as in the first among equals. Note: Words like Enrai, that are short, often imply a great many things that would take up a few paragraphs in English, and even then you have to have an elven mindset with all the linked ideas to the word to get it. In other words, do not let the apparent simplicity of the definitions mislead you. | |
Enta | You hear me | |
Era | Earth (world?) | |
Era Katana | “Earth Land” | |
Ereiash’demaa | Badass | |
Ereiash’demaa na Enrai | Bad Ass to the High King | |
Eren’rai | Daughter of the King | |
Eshai’du | Colloquially “dumbass;” more likely “ignorant” | |
Eshe | Friend, especially in the sense of trusted ally | |
Esiai’desh’mirain | A noble bodyguard | |
Estai | Wrath, anger | |
Evala | Cloak | |
Evrantilen | Oath-sworn, (noun, plural) | |
Fai | Huh? | |
Farth (fairth) | Fae — This word is used to mean all otherkind. | |
Faladar (fail-la-dare) | A sense of something impending…. either something about to happen or something that needs to be done. | |
Feas | Love or like of an inanimate object, as I really love that car or movie | |
Feln (feel-n) | A love that elves have particularly for other elves or things elfin and this perhaps is closest to what you mean by Elven Love. | |
Fin | Air | |
Fylorn (fill-lorn) | The word for empathy | |
Ford (like the car) | Love of a soul mate or best friend or family | |
Galadhad | Trees | |
Gale | Staining | |
Gar | Proficient? | |
Gaya | Hear this (formal) | |
Gieran | Beloved brother (said as Geahren has a bitter connotation) | |
Gil-Enrai | Champion of the King | |
Glora | Sun | |
Gwai | Sky | |
Gwairoch | Pegasus or Skyhorse | |
Hae Hanae-Sa | See the way | |
Hal | Festival day | |
Halae-Han | Walk the water | |
Hanae-so, hanie-ho-so | Singer of the way | |
Harani A’kaheyla de’shanuay”. | I am honored/blessed to greet you/walk with you on your path” or something similar. | |
Helath | The Paths or Tapestry of Worlds | |
Hole Asin | Child of the Fae – Fae child | |
Ias | Formal House, as in Household or Clan | |
Iasa | Head of the household or “father” | |
Iasatar | Thank you, be it known I thank you (Sata in this case means “Know”) | |
Iri’A | The One Force; the creative force behind all things, very much akin to the Force in the Star Wars trilogy | |
Iriv’teshai | War-companion; The equivalent of the mortal term “buddy” in Vietnam | |
I Satanas | I Know | |
Ishmaen | A wizard (not of light) – Used as a slur | |
Jalar (jay-lair) | Divine love or a feeling of oneness or unity with all | |
Janda’hai | Round-Ears — referred to an apelike species of creatures | |
Ja nevnay | An oath, roughly translating to ‘velvet sky’, most often used when thorougly exasperated with someone/thing. I think it’s a refernce to the star goddess, because that seems to be the only reasonable one I can think of | |
Jiach’ar | A Draelren with the attent of striking at an individual, spirit or magical construct | |
Kai’ | Female honorific prefix to a given name (Kai’Laria) | |
Kaldar-maaren | Shadow-born — Also called dark men — They have no bodies, but they use those of living beings if the will is weak or someone has prepared the way for them by other means. Even then the body gradually fades into the darkness of it’s possessor…so they must seek new hosts constantly. | |
Kaleanae | Observer, Watcher | |
Katamah! | Look at the higher soul or self (reach for the stars) to improve oneself | |
Katar Neenar | Spiritual father, wise teacher of spiritual heritage of the people like a priest of some sort. Alternate meaning – “No idea, don’t know at all” | |
Katinar | Proper name meaning “kitten”. | |
Ke’ | Male honorific prefix to a given name (Ke’Ninaste, for instance) | |
Keh? | What? | |
Keroth | brother | |
Keth’enai, to ma na’ei! | My brethren, in my heart | |
khul’Shalkrum | Living Weapon | |
Kieran | Beloved sister | |
Ki’Leana | Female name. The “Ki” part means spirit fury. Leana means something like “dedicated or in service to”. Ki’Leana could then mean something like “Dedicated to spirit fury”. | |
Kiyana | Kind of like an angry exclamation word….something to do with expressing spirit fury. (Note: this word and definition were given to us by a person who had never seen this list or the above definition!) | |
Kimen Yahae | The long path our spirits must travel | |
Kir’ | Male honorific prefix to a given name beginning with a vowel (Kir’Aidan) | |
Kiran a’Llyra | From/of the soul | |
Kitathas | Short form of “Wind of Spirit Fury” | |
K’th! | Obey! A command from a ‘superior’ to an ‘inferior’. | |
Kusanar | Twilight (just after sunset) | |
Kyela | Love | |
Laere-Tere Tellle | Valley in the Northern Forests, with lots of running water and a heavy canopy of trees. | |
Leana Sar | You see the walls of True | |
Leire | Proper name, “she who stands at the border of dawn” | |
Lenae Senecar | Yes, we are walking the land of the shadows or the moon; She who walks the plain of the shadows; See into the walking path of the worlds… | |
Liana | female name meaning “in service/dedicated to”. | |
Liana’ Senai | I desire you forever, Leeana | |
Liana’ Senar | I desire you right now, Leeana | |
Liktai Na | This situation is alien | |
Lik’tai Nar Senek’tar | This situation is so alien I do not know where “here” is; (I really desire to know). | |
Lik’tai Neyanar | Not connected to the past. An event that stands alone in your memory not having roots in the past | |
Lineat | Song of the “Pathers” (Those who walk the Path) | |
Londelirinen | Land of song within song | |
Malanai | Mother | |
Mana | No | |
Marara | Child | |
Milana | Forest | |
Mileana Tar | You are thanked. Thank You; Your soul rules the lands of spires. | |
Muai’urai | House, Clan, and station markings (usually facial) worn mostly in the later years. Some had them made permanent, while others simply drew them on. | |
Myhidr | Lover/Companion – this is a term used for only the closest or most beloved ones. It is not quite a soul mate, but close. | |
Namarie | Well Met (I’m not sure of the meaning of this one. It just jogs through my head every now and again. It may have something to do with souls and a reuniting thereof…) | |
Narwa | Remember | |
Narwyn (nair-win) | The sense that we have that denotes truth or falsity or the right direction to go in | |
Neenah Kimayah Tesheeah | “The Heavens bar the way to the soul held in rage” | |
Negeth | Is not — For those of you familiar with FASA’s BattleTech universe, this is used similarly to the Clans’ quiaff and quineg, that is, to end a sentence with a question of either affirmation or negation… [Tal] | |
Nehatah | Brain Lock | |
Nesh’tirai | Otherkin shapeshifters; large and furry in their normal forms, can pass for elven (jokingly referred to in English as “Wookies”) | |
Netherai | Literally, “She who is not” It was the nickname for a certain young elf with a propensity for telling others what she was not… | |
‘Nieve | Suffix meaning “lover,” used to refer to lovers who are not lifemates. | |
Ninaste | Proper name meaning “master of wonders” or “Leader of the Hunt” | |
Nish’allien terestai | Go back to the trees; Pejorative used in Shain Cemar (there are no trees in the city, and the rules there are a lot different from standard society) | |
Nish | Variation of or root of Nis’tai, indicating off, or strayed. May indicate “far from” | |
Nis’tai | Dishonorable/Off one’s path; Far from what should always be. | |
Nis’tar | When thinking about actions which are not Des’tai, it does not always seem quite right to say they are Nis’tai because “ai” implies everlasting. There is a form of this word, Nis’tar, which implies a temporary, or single, incident that is not Des’tai. | |
Noralyn | Continuity of consciousness from one life to another | |
Oforfamar | Leadership | |
Pira | Prefix meaning “little” | |
Rialian | Far Traveller | |
Ri’il | manipulation of space/time/matter/energy (hence, Ri’ili or Ri’ali is one who does so) | |
Roch | Rhymes with “loch” – Horse | |
Rolyn (roll-lyn) | The healing light that we can radiate | |
Ruach | A fermented drink, made of berries, served warm and spiced like mulled wine. Miaren has a recipe! | |
Saeth | Cloak of Invisibility | |
Saoneldi (say-oon-l-di) | Otherkin — This word is composed of the words other and kin… | |
Sanar | Another word for Light (having to do with light of goodness) | |
Serae Senar Saikatar | I will inspire your greatest desire, I desire you (speaker male), I will be and fulfill your desire | |
Saikatar | I will be and fulfill your desire of me (as male) | |
Sainar | I desire you (the speaker wishes to be male) | |
Satar | You look here (angry/annoyed connotation) | |
Sear (pronoounced Seara) | Night | |
Sektar | An apprentice to the priesthood (getting ready to cross over to mastery) | |
Selar Seeyata Vorai | Phrase meaning “take only a short time to bridge the gap between sisters” Connotation for healing the rifts within families quickly | |
Se’leana | Female name meaining “In service to you (general you)” | |
Selek’tar | Female spiritual teacher | |
Senar | I desire you (the speaker wishes to be female) | |
Seneer | Variation of Senar. I desire you (speaker wishes to be female) | |
Serae | I will arouse your desire | |
Seran | Newborn Star | |
Note of explanation: | Due to our ability to shift sexes, we would commonly open up a romantic interlude by stating our desire and which sex we wanted to start with. (The memories have been getting interesting). | |
Ser’noth | Sister | |
Shaeyata | Specific style of warrior honor | |
Shain Cemar | Border Town in Tir | |
Shalva (Shale-va) | The word that best encompasses the concept of sorrow for someone other than one s’elf | |
sheFAralach | Someone who is a nuisance | |
Sheltleth | Dark in nature/unseelie | |
Shema’shestai | A phase in elven life corresponding to the mid-20s of mortal life | |
Shen | Forever or Infinity | |
Shi”ria na | My friend’s Old name | |
Sh’mai | Beloved of my soul | |
Shodai’urai | An object, given as a personal gesture of affection and friendship, usually marked with the giver’s muai’urai (house markings). Acts almost like an elven “backstage pass”. | |
Shol (show-l or shoal) | Elven breath or the healing or ensouling or awakening breath | |
Siafanar | Flower | |
Siagna | Path/Street | |
Sian | Bad | |
Siana | Yes | |
Sildanai | Weavers | |
Sindora | To this land | |
Sirc | The word that elves called themselves in the 1st & 2nd cycles | |
Soto-Car Laena Sa! |
Hey, you walk there, “by the singing soul”; I see the way of walking, see, so see the soul of my way. | |
Sulaya | Spirit Awe; Someone with a great deal of presence | |
Sulianna/Suliana | Light (I think it has something to do with daylight | |
Sukanar | Dark | |
Sukatanar | Temporary darkness over the land | |
svaRAlim | Has something to do with the flow of power and magickal energies | |
Ta | Yes, I get it | |
Taia | I hear you | |
Talaenar | It is finished (the end) | |
Taluntain | Enlightened | |
Ta’na Ahlay | Walk in Light that is like Water | |
Tanaii | A Path; a path one chooses, not respective of whether said path is Des’tai or Nis’tai. It does not imply the rightness or wrongness of the path, merely the existance of the path. | |
Tanaii-ka | This is the path of one’s Soul, when the path chooses one instead of one choosing the path. Probably not too far from des’tai in meaning but Tanaii-ka refers to action, or to the overall duty one has for one’s life as opposed to any one portion of it. For example, choosing to be a hunter is my Tanaii, my path. But being of the Wild Hunt and honoring the things we honor, and doing what we must to, that is my Tanaii-ka, that which has chosen me. When I was given my Hunt Name to honor my particular Talents, that name was the embodiment of my Tanaii-Ka. It is possible, however, for one’s Tanaii-ka to be either Des’tai or Nis’tai, depending on the things one has chosen to do. If I had used my talents and gifts to destroy, to take power, to harm, then the path I am on would would still be Tanaii-ka but it would be Nis’tai, a thing of wrongness and destruction. | |
Tashae | [You] hear me | |
Tashen | Pay close attention, important | |
Telpareon | Far memory | |
Teremai | Compassionate | |
Terestai | The forest that will ever be | |
Teshmeeat | Hold onto the light; Alternate definition: So, it comes at last to this, this justice, this final place/conclusion; it was/is/will be inevitable, a crossing of threads that brings a conclusion or cycle-end. | |
Tihr a’ Lahn | Walk/Dance in Light | |
T’negeth | Isn’t it — For those of you familiar with FASA’s BattleTech universe, this is used similarly to the Clans’ quiaff and quineg, that is, to end a sentence with a question of either affirmation or negation.. | |
Unasae | Don’t quit/give in | |
Vasata | Awaken | |
Vlana | Good | |
Unosar | Morning | |
Yanna | Female nads | |
Yeata | Fire. Also an elven name. | |
Yldannan | Striders across time | |
Zelah | Dwarvish idiom meaining “to see is to rage” talking about the battle rage that overtakes one faced with the enemy | |
Zelsatu | Consciousness | |
Zorvain | Infused |