Robert Neil Boyd, Ph. D.
Presented for consideration to:
The National Institute of Health, Alcohol Abuse Center
It has been found through empirical experimentations that the spin field causes various properties of a vast array of materials to be transferred, with varying degrees of intensity and various degrees of impermanency, into other various materials. This is most dramatically demonstrated when application of the spin field transfers the inebriating properties of alcoholic beverages into pure de-ionized water. When this treated water is assayed, it is found to be chemically pure water, yet, when consumed, it has all the properties of an alcoholic beverage, with none of the damaging side effects, such as cellular damages, hangover, or a tendency to generate obesity. We find that this result is related to the memory property of water, and indeed to the memory of space itself, which memory is transferred by application of the spin field. It is suggested that further experimentation and clinical trials should be performed to investigate the possibility of applications of spin-altered water in alcohol abuse programs.
The spin field is described rigorously by R. M. Kiehn: [1] [2] [3] From a topological viewpoint, Maxwell’s electrodynamics indicates that the concept of chirality is to be associated with a third rank tensor density of Topological Spin induced by the interaction of the 4 vector potentials {A, phi } and the field excitations (D, H). The distinct concept of helicity is to be associated with the third rank tensor field of Topological Torsion induced by the interaction of the 4 vector potentials and field intensities (E, B). The 4-divergence of the topological Spin is equal to the first Poincare Invariant of classical electromagnetism. The 4-divergence of the topological Torsion is equal to the second Poincare Invariant. On space-time domains where either Poincare Invariant is zero, the closed integrals of the Spin (respectively, Torsion) have values whose ratios are rational. That is, both the objects of topological torsion and topological spin can be quantized by the deRham theorems.
However, when the 4-divergence of Topological Torsion is not zero, the second Poincare invariant, E · B, is not zero, and parity is not conserved. New time dependent wave solutions to the classical homogeneous Maxwell equations in the vacuum have been found. These waves are not transverse; they exhibit both torsion and spin; they have finite magnetic helicity, a non-zero Poynting vector, E x H and a non zero second Poincare invariant, E dot B.
Two, four component, rank 3 tensors, constructed on topological grounds, in terms of the Fields and Potentials, are used to define the concepts of Torsion and Spin, even in domains with plasma currents. The divergence of the spin pseudo vector generates the Poincare invariant equivalent to the Lagrangian of the field,
B dot H -D dot E -(A dot J – rho phi).
The divergence of the Torsion pseudo vector generates the second Poincare invariant, E dot B. The Poincare invariants have closed integrals, which are deformation invariants, and therefore can be used to define deformable coherent structures in a plasma. When the second Poincare invariant is non-zero, there can exist solutions that are not time-reversal invariant.
Put in simpler terms, the spin field can be described as a series of propagating helical vortices observed as carrying a dense interstitial flux of an array of particles, possibly ranging down to the sub-quantum, in size. [4] This flux of particles and the spin field helices act together, in some not well understood manner, to temporarily copy the physical properties of substances into other substances. It is this flux of sub-quantum particles, which seems to be responsible for the copying ability of the spin field.
In relation to positively charged particles, such as the proton, the motion of the spin field energy is directed from the periphery to the center. For negatively charged particles, the field is directed from the center to the periphery. A spin field disturbance moves along a helical path in space, with a propagation velocity which is typically, significantly less than the speed of light. Propagation velocity is determined by the longitudinal moment of the impulse, and those parameters of the environment which the change the density of the winding of the helix of the spin field. For the spin field created by the spin field generator, as designed by A. A. Shpilman in 1995, [5] the longitudinal momentum of the spin field impulse is equal to the impulse of a proton, with an energy of 300 electron-volts in air, and 3 electron-volts in ferrite. The spin field helices are very sensitive to the magnitude and direction of the magnetic vector potential. The helices are guided in the direction of the vector potential, but not in the direction of the magnetic field! Spin fields of protons are guided in the direction of the Poynting vector. The space between the spin field helices is saturated with particles, which are similar to the neutrino, having energy at rest of an electron-volt or less. These particles are apparent as threads, composing closed toroidal knot-like structures, having various rest masses, topologies, characteristic sizes, and a broad spectrum of resonant frequencies. Apparently, the rules of gas dynamics apply to the interstitial particles associated with the spin field helix.
The spin field and the torsion field have only recently begun to be investigated in this country. However, spin and torsion fields have been studied globally for many years. These studies have been particularly intensive in Russia, where the spin and torsion fields have been investigated for some 50 years. There is now a fairly substantial literature on the spin and torsion fields by some prominent physics researchers, such as H. Kleinert,[6]
R. M. Kiehn, [7] [8] [9] V. Poponin [10], J. Sarfatti [11] [12] [13], A. Jadczyk [14], A. A. Shpilman [15], A. Shipov [16], B. Page [17], A. Frolov [18], S-P Sirag [19], A. Akimov [20], T. Smith [21], and A. Mishin [22], to name only a few. For example, here are some excerpts from an article by Yu. V. Nachalov and A. N. Sokolov. They link a variety of related and unusual observations, over a 40 year period, to spin and torsion fields:
The experimental results obtained by various researchers in the period 1950-1990 are discussed. Since all experimental results under consideration could not be explained in the framework of existing theories, these results were placed under the category of “experimentally observed phenomena.” It is shown that all of the experiments considered here, have demonstrated a manifestation of spin-torsion interactions.
Over the course of the 20th century, various investigations in different countries, representing a variety of professional interests, repeatedly reported the discovery of unusual phenomena that could not be explained in the framework of existing theories. Since these authors could not understand the physics of the observed phenomena, they were forced to give their own names to the fields, emanations and energies responsible for the creation of these phenomena.
For instance, N. A. Kozyrev’s “Time Emanation”, W. Reich’s “O-Emanation” or “Orgone”, M. R. Blondlot’s “N-Emanation”, I. M. Shakhparonov’s “Mon-Emanation”, A. G. Gurvich’s “Mitogenetic Emanation”, A. L. Chizhevsky’s “Z-Emanation”, A. I. Veinik’s “Chronal field” and “M-field”, A. A. Deev’s “D-field”, Yu. V. Tszyan Kanchzhen’s “Biofield”, H. Moriyama’s “X-agent”, V. V. Lensky’s “Multipolar Energy”, “Radiesthesietic Emanations”, “Shape Power”, “Empty Waves”, and “pseudomagnetism”, H.A.Nieper’s “gravity field energy”, T.T.Brown’s “electrogravitation”, “fifth force”, “antigravitation”, and “free energy”. This list can easily be continued…
Rather than involving ourselves exclusively with studies of the mathematical theory of the spin and torsions field, or getting involved with the more esoteric energetic properties of spin and torsion fields, we have initiated a series of empirical experiments designed to verify the properties of the spin field, and its effects on organic living matter, and on inorganic materials. We have been particularly interested in observations, which have shown that the spin field has the remarkable property of copying certain attributes of materials into other materials [23], and laboratory results which have shown that application of the spin field causes increases in the organization density of materials and structures, for example, hardening stainless steel by some 30% beyond all known hardening techniques [24].
Our spin field generation experimental apparatus has been imported from Russia, with the generous assistance of A. A. Shpilman. (See patent, Republic of Kazakhstan N5366, G01N23/00, Bull.N4, 15.10.97)
This is the device we have been using in our most recent experiments. It has a more stable and powerful output than the previous models. There is also a three phase model, with the schematic as shown:
At this stage in our researches, the three phase device is not designated as a required apparatus, as the model G spin field generator has proven adequate.
We set up an experiment to test whether the transference of the inebriating properties of alcohol, into water, could be accomplished, as claimed by some of the Russian investigators. Very simply, we placed a food-grade plastic-coated paper container filled with alcohol, on the vertical axis above a container filled with pure de-ionized water. We arranged the spin field generator on the vertical axis centered above both containers as in the diagram below, with the generator at G, the alcohol at R, the water at W, where the spin field is denoted by the light blue cone, A.
We irradiated the stack of containers for the recommended 10 minutes. We tested the water for purity. It was exactly as when we had put it in the container. We then drank the water. We were astounded to discover that the spin field treated water had an intoxicating effect! As the writer is inordinately sensitive to alcohol, he was surprised to discover that there were no observable side effects. This result was later duplicated with several volunteer test subjects, to ensure the objectivity of the results. These volunteers reported no hangover symptoms after having consumed enough of the water to be the equivalent of a respectable “shot” of an 80 proof liquor. Based on these limited trials, in this simple experimental sequence, we have determined that the inebriating properties of the alcohol were indeed transferred into the water, where the energetic signature of the alcohol was stored, as though a memory, with none of the toxic effects of actual alcohol.
Discussions of Results:
While this transference of the inebriating quality of alcohol into pure water might seem astounding, water memory is well known in the practices of homeopathy, but it is poorly understood how the homeopathic memory of water functions. Brian Josephson, the Nobel Laureate, in a letter to the New Scientist, (expired link) says: “… advocates of homeopathic remedies attribute their effects, not to molecules present in the water, but to modifications of the water’s structure. Simple-minded analysis may suggest that water, being a fluid, cannot have a structure of the kind that such a picture would demand. But cases such as that of liquid crystals, which while flowing like an ordinary fluid can maintain an ordered structure over macroscopic distances, show the limitations of such ways of thinking. There have not, to the best of my knowledge, been any refutations of homeopathy that remain valid after this particular point is taken into account. …”
According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, “… The water molecule is not linear but bent in a special way. As a result, part of the molecule is negatively charged and part positively charged. It is thus a highly polar molecule. Hydrogen atoms in water molecules are attracted to regions of high electron density and can form weak linkages, called hydrogen bonds, with those regions. This means that the hydrogen atoms in one water molecule are attracted to the non-bonding electron pairs of the oxygen atom on an adjacent water molecule. As a result, water molecules associate strongly. In an ice crystal, the association is a highly ordered but loose structure.
When the ice melts, this orderly arrangement breaks down partially and the molecules pack more closely together. This makes the liquid denser than the solid, which is why ice forms on top of liquid water. The associative force, however, is still strong enough to prevent water molecules from separating completely even at room temperature. This continued association in the liquid state accounts for the high boiling point of water. The structure of liquid water is believed to consist of aggregates of water molecules that form and re-form continually. This short-range order, as it is called, accounts for other unusual properties of water, such as its high viscosity and surface tension. The polarity of the water molecule plays a major part in the formation of aqueous solutions….”
We believe, as T. Smith, that water retains some crystalline properties, even beyond the boiling point. Apparently, due to this property of water, Jacques Benveniste, Yolene Thomas, and others claim to have established experimentally a “Memory of Water”. (expired link).
According to Keith Johnson, in physics/9807058, clusters of water molecules exist optimally in certain Magic Numbers and in configurations such as Buckyball pentagonal dodecahedral structures with a closed, ideally icosahedral symmetry formed by 20 hydrogen-bonded water molecules, with their oxygen atoms at the vertices of 12 concatenated pentagons and with 10 free exterior hydrogen atoms. Coupling of these delocalized oxygen orbitals with the low-frequency cluster vibronic modes via the dynamical Jahn-Teller effect may make water buckyballs catalytic electron reservoirs and oxygenates in fuel combustion and active agents in biological systems. The broad electronic and unique low-frequency vibronic spectra of water buckyballs may explain certain diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) and far-infrared, ultraviolet and x-ray cosmic background radiation.
D. L. Marrin – Water’s memory notes that the tetrahedral Hydrogen bonds of water are not ‘fixed’ in time and space. Even in frozen water Ice, the tetrahedral bonds from Oxygen to Oxygen are each half covalent and half Hydrogen, unlike the purely covalent Carbon-Carbon tetrahedral bonds of Diamond. The tetrahedral Hydrogen water bonds are able to re-shuffle at the rate of about a trillion times per second. The manner in which this re-shuffling occurs is described by a probability function and may be represented by a random binary network, similar to that of a computer. From the perspective of cybernetics, the Hydrogen bond network in water may be considered a self-organizing system that behaves chaotically. Water molecules that are in contact with other surfaces (e.g. air) or with solutes (e.g. salts, organic molecules) arrange themselves into a variety of geometries that impart changes to the network. In this manner, water is capable of discerning ‘self” from ‘non-self’ and interacting with its environment. Recent findings suggest that the breaking and forming of Hydrogen bonds between macromolecules and surrounding water molecules substantially influences the 3-D structure of proteins and nucleic acids.
According to Physics News Preview (link now broken) and Physics News Update (Number 410) of the AIP, Isaacs, Shukla, Platzman, Hamann, Barbiellini, and Tulk, in the 18 January 1999 issue of Physical Review Letters, “… [study] the properties of many Compton-scattered photons … to measure … [the] … ground-state electronic wavefunction [of ice] … The ground-state wavefunction in ice indicates that there is a quantum-mechanical overlap of the electrons on neighboring H2O molecules, i.e., that the hydrogen bond is partly covalent. … the weak hydrogen bonds between H2O molecules in ice get part of their identity from stronger covalent bonds within the H2O molecule. … The two relatively strong electronic bonds that make up the H2O molecule itself are represented in the figure by the darker yellow clouds … While the intermolecular bonds, or hydrogen bonds, are primarily electrostatic in nature, in which the molecules are attracted by means of separated electric charges, [they] found that the bond is in part quantum mechanical, or covalent in nature, in which electrons are spread out and shared between atoms. The quantum-mechanical or wavelike aspect of this bond is depicted by the lighter yellow clouds.
In a March 1996 seminar held at Cranfield University in Bedford, U. K., it was determined that applications of radio frequency E/M propagations to water result in changes in the rate of formation of scaling in plumbing by “hard water”. It was demonstrated that this behavioral change, resulting from application of radio frequency propagations to water, persisted for as long as five days after the water had been exposed to low frequency R.F. This observation has been attributed to the memory of water. (Also see: “Influence of Ca²+ in Biological Effects of Direct and Indirect ELF Magnetic Field Stimulation” from Electro- and Magnetobiology, Journal of the International Society for Bioelectricity, Volume 20 Issue 3, 2001, ISSN: 1061-9526,
To further explain the remarkable ability of the spin field generator to transfer properties between materials, we shall invoke the experimental results of V. Poponin, which show that even the vacuum, space itself, has this property of having a memory.
V. Poponin’s experiments at Lebedev University in Moscow, and at the Heart-Math Institute in Arizona, have shown that the electromagnetic signature of a hermetically sealed sample of DNA will persist in a vacuum chamber for periods as long as 30 days, after the sample is removed. According to Poponin, the memory of the vacuum can be described as a localized excitation in a Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice. The FPU lattice is the Hamiltonian of an n-dimensional system of loosely coupled (anharmonic) oscillators.
These experimental data suggest that localized excitations of DNA phantom fields are long living and can exist in non-moving and slowly propagating states. This type of behavior is distinctly different from the behavior demonstrated by other well known nonlinear localized excitations such as solitons, which are currently considered to be the best explanation of how vibrational energy propagates through the DNA.
It is a remarkable and striking coincidence that a new class of localized solutions to anharmonic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice (FPU), Nonlinear Localized Excitations (NLE), which have been recently obtained, demonstrate very similar dynamical features to those of the DNA phantom. Nonlinear localized excitations predicted by the FPU model also have unusually long life-times. Furthermore, they can exist in both stationary and slowly propagating forms. In Figure 3, one example of a NLE is shown which illustrates three stationary localized excitations generated by numerical simulation using the FPU model.
It is worthy to note that this NLE has a surprisingly long life-time. Here, we present only one of the many possible examples of the patterns for stationary excitations which are theoretically predicted. Slowly propagating and long lived NLE are also predicted by this theory. Note that the FPU model can successfully explain the diversity and main features of the DNA phantom dynamical patterns. This model is suggested as the basis for a more general nonlinear quantum theory which may explain many of the observed subtle energy phenomena and eventually could provide a physical theory of consciousness.
According to our current hypothesis, the DNA phantom effect may be interpreted as a manifestation of a new physical vacuum substructure which has been previously overlooked. It appears that this substructure can be excited from the physical vacuum in a range of energies close to zero energy provided certain specific conditions are fulfilled which are specified above.
Furthermore, one can suggest that the DNA phantom effect is a specific example of a more general category of electromagnetic phantom effects. This suggests that the electromagnetic phantom effect is a more fundamental phenomenon which can be used to explain other observed phantom effects including the phantom leaf effect and the phantom limb.
From this, we think that the spin field is acting as a carrier of the non-linear excitations of the vacuum, by way of the previously described species of sub-quantum particles in the interstitial spaces internal to the spin field helices. What we are saying then, is that due to a memory mechanism similar to the description by V. Poponin of the memory of the vacuum, that the spin field is transporting the actual particles that comprise the FPU lattice, into the volume of effect the spin field, thereby transporting the memory of the vacuum which resided in that first location, into the volume and any materials which are present at the second location.
Thus, we feel that the spin field is duplicating the electromagnetic 4-vector patterning, which was contained in the volume containing the alcohol, into the volume containing the water, where it should remain for some time. We intend to determine at a later date, the latency of the memory medium, which is imparted by the spin field into water. At this time, our preliminary results have shown that the memory thus imparted to the water will last for approximately 14 days.
The most important application, we feel, for this remarkable property of spin field memory transfer, is in the treatment of alcohol abusers. Because, although the alcohol memory imparted into the water structure has the capacity to cause inebriation, at the same time, preliminary sample testing has shown that the water so treated does not engender any hangover. This is obvious, since we know that the hangover is a by-product of the breakdown of the alcohol by the systems of the physical body, while pure water has no such effect. Additionally, because this is just pure water, prolonged and dense consumption of spin field treated water will apparently not result in any physical damage to the body systems, such as jaundice, which can result from alcohol toxicity. There is no physical toxicity in the physical body related to ingestion of standard levels of pure water.
We are concerned however, whether the toxic properties of the alcohol can be transferred in any degree, however minute, into the water, by application of the spin field. Because no hangover results from the treated water, and because the volunteers have stated that the alcohol-like exhilarations ceased in about an hour, relative to the normal eight hours which would be expected in the case of the consumption of actual alcohol, we think that there will probably be no toxicity found due to the treated water. Also, because it is just water, prolonged consumption of spin field treated water should not be expected to result in any increase in obesity. We also expect that the common symptom of desiccation in alcohol abusers will be greatly alleviated, if not eliminated, when spin field treated water is substituted for actual alcohol. We expect incidences of hospitalization due to the toxic effects of alcohol on the human physiology will be greatly reduced when this spin field derived ersatz alcohol is used to replace actual alcohol. We expect that the overall health of alcohol abusers will be substantially improved when spin field treated water replaces alcohol consumption. This regimen would then reduce the concomitant economic and emotional burdens on the State, and the families of alcohol abusers, while prolonging the life expectancy of abusers who use the water substitute.
We think that it is possible that the treated water will alleviate some of the more dramatic effects of alcohol detoxification. We think that it is also possible that the treated water may eliminate or reduce alcohol dependencies, particularly physical dependencies. These two possibilities should be examined experimentally.
We suggest that a series of standard clinical trials should be performed to verify these various preliminary results of consumption of spin field treated water in alcoholics and to substantiate the positive potentials for health improvements which may result by this application of the spin field in the treatment of alcoholics. We further suggest that the spin field and its potential for additional medical applications should undergo intensive experimental study.
Special thanks to Tony Smith for providing many of the references on water memory.
- R. M. Kiehn “Chirality and Helicity vs. Topological Spin and Topological Torsion”
- R. M. Kiehn “Electromagnetic Waves in the Vacuum with Torsion and Spin”
- R. M. Kiehn “Spinors, Minimal Surfaces,Torsion, Helicity, Chirality, Spin, Twistors, Orientation, Continuity, Fractals, Point Particles, Polarization, the Light Cone and the Hopf Map.”
- A.A.Shpilman ([email protected]) “Physical properties of axion (spin) fields”
- A. A. Shpilman “Spin-field Generator”
- H. Kleinert “Theory of Fluctuating Nonholonomic Fields and Applications: Statistical Mechanics of Vortices and Defects and New Physical Laws in Spaces with Curvature and Torsion in: Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute on Formation and Interactions of Topological Defects at the University of Cambridge, England, Plenum Press, New York, 1995”
- R. M. Kiehn “Longitudinal, Transverse, and Torsional Waves”
- R. M. Kiehn “Links, Knots, and Braids”
- R. M. Kiehn “Dynamical Phase Transitions in Fluids”
- V. Poponin “The DNA PHANTOM EFFECT: Direct Measurement of A New Field in the Vacuum Substructure” DNA Phantom Effect
- J. Sarfatti “Star Gate Anholonomic Torsion Geometrodynamics Part I. The Classical Limit”
- J. Sarfatti “Vigier 2000 Conference”
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- R. Coquereaux, A. Jadczyk “CONFORMAL THEORIES, CURVED PHASE SPACES, RELATIVISTIC WAVELETS AND THE GEOMETRY OF COMPLEX DOMAINS.” CPT-89/P-2302, Sep 1989. 43pp. Published in Rev.Math.Phys. 2:1-44, 1990.
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- S.-P. Sirag “Torsion in Superstring Theory”
- A. Akimov, V. Tarasenko, “Models of Polarized States of the Physical Vacuum and Torsion Fields,” Sov. Phys. J., p.214, March 1992.
- T. Smith “3-form A / dA – Affine Torsion”
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- A. A. Shpilman “Effect of Axion radiation on hardness of metal”