What if matter were infinitely hierarchical? There would be no end to the subsequent levels of smallness. What if these “etherons” were themselves comprised of, yet smaller particles, and so on, ad infinitum?
Tony Smith, Tesla, and myself think that the aether is compressible. I and Jerry Dufour, think that it may have a small viscosity, in the manner of a super-fluid.
Were this true, there would be a small drag on photons resulting in red-shift. A similar red-shift mechanism, as you may recall, is proposed by LaViolette, in his “Sub-quantum Dynamics”, also related to subquantum entities, and his Brusselator mechanism.
Maxwell’s original descriptions of the electron considered them as vortices. My question, ever since I discovered the Maxwell description, has been, a vortex made of what??? Maxwell says “aether”. So what is “aether”? It MUST be smaller than electrons, based on Maxwell. (I have found the majority of Maxwell’s work to be relatively impeccable. Can we trust him on this, perhaps?)
I want to point out, once again, that the Michaelson-Morely experiment did not disprove the aether. It only pointed at the possibility that there was no macroscopically measurable (by their techniques of measurement) aether wind. Aether wind was later proved by Sagnac and by Silvertooth. I also want to point out, again, that if the constituent elements of the aether were subquantum in size, that experiments such as the M-M experiment would not have the resolution to detect any subquantum entities, much less, any motion(s) of such entities.
[Bill Hamilton]:
I agree. Also the ether seems to entrain with the movement of matter so near the earth, the ether would turn with the earth. A. Brillet and J.L. Hall conducted a modern ether drift experiment in 1979. Brillet and Hall put a laser on a rotating platform and split the beam. One part of the beam went into a Fabry-Perot interferometer, the other was directed via mirrors off the platform to be compared with a reference beam from a stationary laser. The frequency of the rotating laser was compared with that of the reference laser; the difference was Fourier analyzed.
Any anisotropy of the speed of light would show up as a frequency shift which varied dependent on the direction of the interferometer. If the old pre-Lorentz ether theory were true (static ether), they would have found a frequency shift dependent on sidereal direction of the interferometer and found no such effect.
They also found a frequency shift of 17 Hz at twice the table rotation rate, which they could not explain on direction of interferometer with respect to the lab. It is this effect which is predicted by an entrained ether theory.
An entrained ether theory favors a dynamic ether, an ether that can be entrained in motion by a rotating object, such as earth, embedded within the dynamic ether. I conclude from this that if the ether is entrained by a rotating object, then it is entrained by armatures in generators.
[R. N. Boyd]:
I think so. However, I see that the vortex created by the rotating disk results in a counter-rotating vortex of aether particles, which can in turn couple back into mass, resulting in a counter-rotational force. This is probably the mechanism involved in back-EMF.