Sometimes when I am daydreaming, I converse with myself. Usually I don’t record the conversations, but sometimes, given the opportunity, I type the whole conversation as it occurs. In other words, I not only talk to myself, but type to myself as well. I was going through some of my old papers today and found this conversation… I’ve named one of the conversationalists “Me” and the other one “Me Too”.
I suppose that other, more angelic sounding names, such as “RaElle and Shamballah” would have made it sound more spiritual and channel-ly, but I didn’t really feel like that would have been honest. I wasn’t channeling. I don’t allow discarnate entities to use my voice. They can get their own body, as far as I’m concerned. I was talking to myself, and that’s that.
Anyway, here’s the transcript… Oddly, it has a bearing on the attachment/pain I was feeling last week. Sort of a message in a bottle from the past.
Start transcript:
Me: Speak to me of Time.
Me Too: Time is a measuring device. It measures the distance between two events.
Me: Distance??
Me too: Right. Distance. Distance and time are interchangeable concepts. Rulers measure distance in inches. Time measures distance in seconds. That’s all.
Me: But, doesn’t time measure two events that take place 0 distance apart?
Me Too: They may appear 0 distance apart to you, but they are not. They have traveled a distance of time.
Me: Where have they traveled? They never left spot X.
Me Too: But they did. Spot X itself moved through space as the earth revolved around the sun. The motion of the universe is the ultimate clock. The breathing, the pulse of the universe is the final measure. When the pulse is still, all time will stop for an instant. When it beats, all time moves forward towards the next event.
Me: How may I become a master of time?
Me Too: First I must define for you what that entails. A master of time must first understand:
- Time is not “the 4th dimension”. Time is a measure of distance and nothing more.
- Time will stop when motion stops.
- A still mind produces the silence, the Empty Field, in which all time stops.
- As you approach the Silence, you can stretch or slow time to a great degree.
Me: Slow down time. The implications of that are staggering. Does this mean slow it down for me alone or for anyone in my energy field?
Me too: You already do this to some degree without knowing it. How many times have you thought that four or five years is one or two years? As for affecting others in your vicinity, this depends upon their focus. Whatever holds their attention is what they will perceive. All such abilites (stretching time, bilocation, etc.) derive from the same source.
Me: How may I “Jump” from one place to the next, be two places at once, etc.? Does this have to do with the on-off of the universe?
Me Too: Where are you when you are not? The pulse of the Universe is an endless on/off cycle, occurring so rapidly that it cannot be seen with the “normal” human eye. But as you approach the Silence, you can see more and more clearly those things which are faster than that which is normally seen. Then you stretch it out even more by ever approaching the silence. At the point of the silence, you can see and feel the pulse. At the off pulse, you are not. At the on pulse, you are. If directly before the off pulse, at the moment of transition, you perceive a need to be elsewhere to do some service, you will be there at the next all-on pulse. You will rapidly do the service and then return via an off pulse.
Me: Can someone get “stuck” in the “off” pulse and never come back?
Me Too: No, because this can only be done when one has truly entered the Silence. One cannot enter the silence halfway. Once the silence is entered, travel through the off pulse is no big deal. But the silence must be entered first, otherwise you can’t even see the off pulse.
Me: Are there “gateways” to other universes out there? Are there places where the “Off” pulse lasts longer than other places? Are they stable? What are their properties?
Me Too: Yes, there are Gateways. The “off” pulse doesn’t “last” longer at these places, though you are right in assuming that the on/off pulse is not uniform throughout the universe. Gateways are in fact places where other reality frequencies are penetrating into our reality. This is done on purpose in most cases, by the projectors of the frequencies. Gateways are stable in the sense that they will last as long as the projector is “on”. The properties of the gateways depend on the reality frequency being projected. The really high spiritual frequencies are quite beautiful, but as yet unintelligible to you until neurons are formed in your brain so you can know you’re seeing something.
Me: Does the frequency of the gateways have anything to do with Time?
Me Too: Since Frequency measures motion, i.e., the time taken to vibrate between two points, and it is also measurable in terms of the distance between the two points, it has to do with time. But time is not as readily measurable in the higher, non-physical frequencies, simply because many of these are not physical matter and therefore no longer involve DISTANCE, which is a measure of physical matter only. Empty space as you see it, by the way, is included in physical matter.
Me: You said that the on-off pulse of the universe is not uniform.
Me Too: You were expecting, maybe, homogenization?! This is the Universe, not Borden’s Milk! There are areas where “on-off” happens at a much slower rate. But consider what this may mean. It may mean that these areas are approaching silence, or are being observed by beings very close to the silence.
Me: To get to the Silence, one must relinquish past and future and be here now. Thus one must have no intent. Intent implies future based on the past. No intent means no future. So how do I get to the place of no future, no past, no intent?
Me Too: You get to that place by paying very close attention to what you are doing. In fact, you only pay attention to the moment occurring now, including what you are doing, what is occurring in the room around you, what sounds you are hearing, who is there, etc. It means you can’t think past -wise about anything. It is here and now. It will never be here again. It is new. This is the first and last time you will ever see it. Don’t forget, Point X has moved through the galaxy, never to return to the exact spot. Experience all as part of life. Don’t worry about it. Diffuse the fear and hostility of past with love, which is now.
Me: So by observing all now-ness very carefully and completely, you are saying I can achieve the state of no intent? Where do service, devotion, and meditation come in?
Me Too: These are only forms of observation. True meditation is equal to observation on a high level. True service requires meticulous observation of where and when your service is required. Devotion is nothing more than total observation and hence appreciation and love of the objects of devotion. All three require observation as opposed to past or future association.
Me: So by total observation I can enter the silence?
Me Too: Yes. Now try it for 30 seconds. This is all most people can do at first. Even that is very good. Just remember this is the last time you will ever be exactly here.
End Transcript! Hope you liked it!